So close to 197. Almost 10 pound down since New Years.
A student recently asked me how I felt about being nearly 40. I answered that I'm completely fine with it. Approaching 40 is good, I'm happier than 20 and more centered than 30. I haven't ruined my life with poor choices and I have a lot to be thankful for.
If I have one regret, it's that it took me until half of my life to figure out how to orient myself properly. To read, practice, exercise, do what is meaningful, not what is expedient. Do these things daily and don't allow yourself to fall off the path because "I deserve it". I don't deserve a damn thing. Let me earn what I have through hard work and discipline. Better late than never, I suppose.
February Health Goal
Body Weight Fitness Recommended Routine-Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Yoga/walks on Tuesday and Thursday, Saturday off and Sunday bike ride or run.
100g total carbs and 10g of sugar a day with a little leniency on the weekends. Don't go overboard.
On the first point, I was on task. I never missed a workout and I feel myself changing. I walk around feeling stronger and more confident than ever. My body weight training is non-negotiable, I am building my strength progressively every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, I find it easier to do yoga at home while Ethan naps and I really enjoy it. My body doesn't feel like as tight and inflexible as before. The strength training and the yoga compliment each other so well, I don't ever feel like stopping this program.
When Ethan is six months old I will break out the jogging stroller and hit the pavement so that my cardio can improve along with my strength and flexibility.
On the diet, I fell short. I let myself indulge around my birthday and I need to get it into my head that it's never worth it. It's never worth the tired feeling I get the next day and the inability to meet my goal weight. Maybe eventually I'll learn.
March Health Goal
Continue weekly workout routine with progressive resistance.
Log all meals into My Fitness Pal, 100g of carbs, 10g of sugar daily. 16/8 Intermitted Fasting protocol. No slack on weekends.
The only way to overcome a plateau is with a breakthrough. 197 is where I stood most of the second half of last year. No more status quo.
February Career Goal
Maintain practice regiment. Start Skype lessons and release new instruction videos/podcasts/blogs weekly.
Fatherhood has been an impediment to releasing new material, sad to say. Ethan keeps me busy during the AM when I would have time to podcast, blog or make videos. I have projects in development at the moment, but I'm unfortunately suffering through paralysis by analysis. I will pull the trigger on these things in March.
I can say that my work schedule is very full and my piano practice is going great! I am obsessed with piano and it's the main thing I work on. My electric and upright bass playing is getting a fair amount of attention too, but my studying of jazz harmony has me more excited about music than I have been in years.
March Career Goals
Maintain practice regiment. Start Skype lessons and release new instruction videos/podcasts/blogs weekly.
Going for this one again. I am quite happy with my workflow but now I need to get my ideas out there for the world to see.
February Mindfulness Goal
Daily Meditation and 30 pages a day of reading before engaging in social media
I can't seem to get my reading together. I have made it most of the way through Crime and Punishment but it's a slow slog. I have torn through other books before, I think this one is harder than others to get into, but I do feel it's literary significance when I do get through a chapter or two. I need to do less social media. I post way less but I need to lurk less too. I'm starting to dislike Facebook. It's a lot of static that I need to tune out. Oh well.
March Mindfulness Goal
Daily Meditation and 30 pages a day of reading before engaging in social media
Let's re-attempt this one too. I will destroy Crime and Punishment and proceed to conquer all of Dostoevsky 5 great novels. Let's do this.