Unlocking Harmonic Language


If you are lucky enough to do what you love to do for a living, I feel like you have an obligation to maximize your impact and to improve your methods. I am a music instructor and I get to work with musicians all around the world in an online lesson setting. I get the honor of teaching young, eager learners how to be better musicians. Over the years, I have tried to communicate and condense what I have learned as a professional musician into bite-sized bits of information that are easily understood and can be simply applied in the practice room.

 I have had some epochs, revelations, and general “ah-ha!” moments in the process of my teaching that carry over into ideas for effective lessons and practice. All in the effort to make my learners better musicians. I have condensed the best material I have encountered into the curriculum of “Unlocking Harmonic Language”

 Who this is for: Late beginner/early advanced musicians will get the most out of this program. I will demonstrate these lessons on piano, guitar, and electric bass. These concepts can be applied to all melodic and harmonic instruments as well. Several years of experience on your given instrument is recommended.

This program can also be applied to experienced musicians who would like a better handle on music theory and feel like they could be better soloist, writers, and improvisers. I know that this casts a large net but I truly believe that this program can be enlightening for even seasoned veterans. There is a good chance that you will get something out of this no matter your musical background.

How much is it?: It’s free, I will post all lessons on Youtube. Simply subscribe to my channel “Meno Mosso Music” for weekly lessons.

What’s the catch?: I want your email address for the written material. I may also send you updates on products from time to time. You can unsubscribe anytime. I want 2025 to be my year of giving back. There are a lot of people trying to sell you things out there. Like “the magic of chord tone soloing” and it’s all very trite and flashy when the material itself is just basic stuff. I believe that you can improve greatly with a few simple concepts that you practice week by week. This is what “unlocking harmonic language” is all about.

Here's the deal, I will upload a lesson every Monday beginning January 6, 2025 and you will practice it every week. Since the lessons are up on Youtube you can start any time. I will offer you an alternative to costly music coaching programs.

This is my contribution to the musical community in 2025. Good luck with the program and happy practicing!


-Phil Romo

Meno Mosso Music